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Missouri City, MO. is a small town just outside of Kansas City, Mo. with a population of only 295 people. The town doesn't have many attractions or things to do. We have one gas station with one gas pump. A school (K-8) with under 60 students , and the Missouri River in our back yard. In 1993 it WAS our backyard. The river is the focus of many stunts performed by the ignoramus crew.
         The Ignoramus crew consists of most all of the population here. Everyone has done something at one point or another. The adults here like to be spectaters but sometimes they can't resist getting in on the action.
         Ignoramus actually started before we thought about taping it. We would be doing these stunts even if the camera wasn't around, so we decided to go ahead and tape it. To show it to our many friends. Now we have decided to try and get serious with it and amke a web site.
         We are now trying to get a new camcorder so that we can record digital video. The video could then be edited more professionally. Any donations would be appreciated. We would like to collect at least $1,000.00. Now you know about Missouri city and Ignoramus it's self. Now it's time to meet the crew 

Missouri City Elementary


(from left to right)Top: KyleJ. Jason Bottom: Cody, Tommy, Dick

Kyle Johnson  camera man, site builder/designer, Stunts,
Jason McCaulley  Stunts,stunts, and more
Cody Casey  Stunts, Camera man
Tommy Ground Stunts, camera man, S*it talker
Richard McCaulley  Comedian (zach or Dick) Stunts, Driver,

The crew started in Kindergarten at MCS with Kyle and Jason. A few years later Cody Casey moved into town and became a part of the group. Soon after Dick began to hang out with the group and eventually become one, of the group. Tommy, the youngest, showed up only one year ago, but was quickly taken in as another member. This is only the core of the Ignoramus crew.
        The rest of the groupies/crew showed up after "Ignoramus" became a popular topic among the town folk. Most adults like to follow and watch Ignoirant acts take palce. The rest of the group however consists of Jaimie Reynolds, Buddy Eason, Cory Reffit (a.k.a Hampster),  Lee ground, and Owen Adams. There are as well the girls, who are often a big help in video, photos and sometimes a little stunt. These girls are Lindsay Holland, Krystal Casey, Kaitie Ground, Misty Roush, Beka Poteet, and Amanda McDowell.
      We here in Missouri City our proud to announce a new addition to our ignoramus crew. Bridget Niemier and Ashley Wheeler joined us earlier this month in an excursion on the river, now before these girls had came to Missouri City, I don't think they had even ever seen mud, let alone THIS MUCH!
          They made it through pretty good until right at the end when they both fell in the mud and ruined their shoes. Being normal girls they blamed their mishap on us, the guys. I was at the brunt of Ashley's frustration when she kicked mud all over me and Iw as perfectly clean until then. During this mud filled journey they yelled and cried, but later, they begged to coem back.

(left to right) Jaimie, Tommy, Cody, Dick, Jason
